Timetable of events
Once you have secured your boat and identified your boat classification, look through the list of trophies and race categories and choose the classes in which you wish to race. All boats will be automatically entered in some categories but in addition you can enter a further 3 categories. You should also be sure you can crew your boat because entry withdrawal at a later date could prove expensive for you.
Entries open
At the end of March, the exact date will be on the front page of the website and our Facebook page. Click here for the Entry Form or find it under the Services & Forms tab.
At this stage you will be given your Entry Number which you should use in all communications with the GRR. When you submit your entry form you will be emailed a Paypal invoice which includes the deadline for payment. Remember your boat is only registered once this invoice has been settled
Other services
Do you need to book craneage or towing for your boat? Will you want to park at Millwall or Ham? You will find request forms under Services & Forms.
This is now provided by partner organisations so contact them to book well in advance. Details can be found under Accommodation & Transfers.
You might also choose to book the transfer bus to get you to the start at Millwall on the Saturday morning.
Entries close
NOTE that entries may close sooner if the maximum number of boats is reached before the August deadline. Notice will be posted on Facebook and the website as final numbers are approached. The handicapping process now begins. There are many different types of boats taking part in the race and this process aims to get all boats to the finish at approximately the same time, slowest boats being given earlier start times.
Last date to enter crew names
Please note that there will be no opportunity to change competitors’ names on our records after this date and any crew changes before the 31st of August should be emailed to info@greatriverrace.org.uk. Race certificates will be issued with a space for you to enter your own competitors’ names so that any last minute crew changes can be accommodated.
One week before the race
You will be sent an email with final race instructions showing your Start Number. This number supersedes your Entry Number and should be used in any communication with the GRR from that point onwards. The email will also include:
• Your launch time – the time you should have your crew assembled and boat on the water
• Marshalling instructions – what to do between boating and crossing the start line. Details of the holding /waiting area and who will be instructing you
• Your start time – the time by which you should cross the start line. . Any boat that crosses before its designated Start Time will be immediately disqualified
• Race Guidelines Notes
• Map of all the bridges with information, most importantly the arch that you must row under
• Race Day Registration Form. This should be completed on the day before the race
• Registration Desk opening time will be announced
Monday before race day
Last day to book craneage, tows & parking
Thursday before race day
The campsite is open for checking in from 4.30pm by arrangement.
Friday before race day
Millwall slipway is open from 9am for boats to be unloaded. Security will be in place from that time. Also access to the Westferry Print Works car park. The car park at Ham will also be open from 9am.
Craning in will take place from 11am to 5pm. If launching your own boat you must have it in the water by 5pm. Attach fenders if required. Then the boats will be rafted up in preparation for being towed to the start at Millwall in the early hours of Saturday morning.
If coming from South Dock Marina check locking out times for rowing boat across to Millwall.
If you are staying at the campsite or hotel, check the time the transfer bus is leaving to go to the start at Millwall. It could be leaving early!
Saturday, race day!
Bring your completed but unsigned Race Day Registration form to the Registration Desk at Millwall. There, you will sign it in front of the GRR desk volunteer to show that you have read and absorbed the contents. You must also bring a printed copy of the SGN, Short Race Guideline Notes which you will take in the boat.
You will be asked for your Start Number so that you can be given a waterproof slip specific to your boat, containing your Marshalling Instructions with your boating and start times and the Key Golden Rules for Safe Navigation. You will also be given a waterproof map of the bridges and a boat number with clamp to be fixed to your boat so that you can be easily identified on the water. There will be a laminated copy of your Start Number to be displayed by the passenger when crossing the start and finish lines.
If launching at Poplar you must still register at Millwall.
If launching your boat on the slipway next to the pontoon be aware that it will be very muddy and dress accordingly.
After the race
Come to the Race Admin tent where you can exchange your boat number and clamp for your crew’s certificates. No number and clamp – no certificates! This should be done before 6pm as there will be no facility to post out certificates after race day.
Head to the bar!
There will be a full bar with disco at Ham riverside with several food outlets available. Open to all.
Prizegiving should begin about 6pm.